Dataset: /thredds/ncss/auscom/results/ ( Gridded Dataset Description )

Base Time: 1982-08-04T00:00:00Z

You must select at least one Variable and a Lat/Lon location.

Select Variable(s):

Variables with available Times: 8616.0 8619.0 8622.0 8625.0 8628.0 8631.0 8634.0 8637.0 8640.0 8643.0 days since 1959-01-01 00:00:00

eta_t = surface height on T cells

with Vertical Levels ( zt_ocean ) : 2.5 7.644110202789307 13.21501350402832 19.478992462158203 26.675691604614258 35.008914947509766 44.638790130615234 55.67560958862305 68.17561340332031 82.13878631591797 97.5089111328125 114.17568969726562 131.97898864746094 150.7150115966797 170.14410400390625 190.0 210.0 233.1813201904297 265.59521484375 312.3891906738281 377.3030700683594 462.3030700683594 567.38916015625 690.59521484375 828.1813354492188 975.0 1125.0 1275.6156005859375 1428.062744140625 1583.512451171875 1743.0615234375 1907.706298828125 2078.31689453125 2255.617431640625 2440.16650390625 2632.344970703125 2832.344970703125 3040.16650390625 3255.617431640625 3478.31689453125 3707.706298828125 3943.0615234375 4183.51220703125 4428.06298828125 4675.61572265625 4925.0 meters
rho = in situ density
salt = Salinity
temp = Potential temperature
u = zonal current
v = meridional current

with Vertical Levels ( zw_ocean ) : 5.072055339813232 10.42956256866455 16.347002029418945 23.077341079711914 30.842302322387695 39.8238525390625 50.15719985961914 61.92560958862305 75.15719604492188 89.8238525390625 105.84230041503906 123.07733917236328 141.3470001220703 160.4295654296875 180.07205200195312 200.0 221.59066772460938 249.38827514648438 288.9921875 344.84613037109375 419.8030700683594 514.8461303710938 628.9921875 759.3882446289062 901.5906372070312 1050.0 1200.3077392578125 1351.839111328125 1505.78759765625 1663.2869873046875 1825.3839111328125 1993.0115966796875 2166.96728515625 2347.89208984375 2536.255859375 2732.344970703125 2936.255859375 3147.89208984375 3366.96728515625 3593.01171875 3825.384033203125 4063.287109375 4305.78759765625 4551.83935546875 4800.3076171875 5050.0 meters
wt = vertical velocity T-points
wu = vertical velocity U-points

Choose Lat/Lon Location:

Bounding box, in decimal degrees (initial extents are approximate):
west east


Choose Time Subset:

Time range
Single time

reset to full extension

Choose Vertical Level:

Choose Output Format:

NCSS Request URL:


NetCDF Subset Service Documentation